

Hi, I’m Gina! Thank you for visiting my little corner of the universe. I’m a 36-year-old Charlotte native•ish who has created the life of my dreams! I’ve manifested a balanced & fulfilling life while excelling professionally. I’m a walking oxymoron. I am a Director at a prominent tech firm, but I’m a bohemian hippie to my core. 😆

After a lot of introspection, spiritual and personal growth, I have finally found my zen! Sometimes I wonder how finding my happy was even possible after everything that I’ve been through, but I’m here and I’m grateful! #namaste 🧘🏾‍♀️

I love traveling the world, cooking, all things wellness and I am passionate about helping others live their best lives. Most importantly, I live an authentic life by standing in my truth every day. Embracing my true self has given me a freedom that I didn’t know was possible.

Seeing people change their lives for the better genuinely lights a fire in my soul! I love to share my knowledge with anyone who is willing to listen. So here I am, sharing my journey, my perspective & my wisdom with you. I truly believe that by living a mindful and purpose-driven life you can change your world. It is my sincerest hope that you become inspired, motivated and full of the belief that your best life is absolutely attainable! I hope that you start believing that your wildest dreams are within reach if you’re willing to work for it! More importantly, I want you to start making moves to live your best life as quickly as possible.  No more waiting for  “someday…” Let’s work together to make the changes necessary so that you can get the most out of every single day!

I know my purpose in life is to inspire, educate and help others heal. That’s why I started this blog. We all have a gift to share with the world, and this is my gift to you. Are you ready to live your dopest life? I’m rooting for you.

xoxo, ginabohemian

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